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Norway Clown Camp

Norway Clown Camp is international clown retreat has become a vital platform for artistic exploration within the Norwegian and international clowning community. Held at the idyllic Skuterud Farm, the camp offers participants a unique opportunity to step away from the bustle of city life and fully immerse themselves in the art of clowning.


Each year, we bring in world-class workshop leaders, and we welcome performers from all over the world. Previously we have had participants from countries such as Australia, Mexico, the USA, China, Taiwan, France, the Czech Republic, England, Germany and more.


The camp is not just about mastering technique; it’s a space to connect, create, and explore the essence of humor in an environment that fosters both personal and artistic growth.
Norway Clown Camp is funded by Fund for Performing Artists (FFUK).


Organized by Karen Houge, Soky Productions.  

Founded in 2017. Created by Undercover Theatre Company, by David Tann.


                                           Previous workshop leaders:

                                    Aitor Basauri                     Toby Park                     John Wright                 












  Jango Edwards                    Claudia Cantone













Clown is a path that goes against everything we were taught at school - 'I have to be good', 'I can't make mistakes', 'I know what i am doing'. Clown is a way to be bad, to make mistakes and find freedom in the unknown. To have pleasure to be bad onstage. How are you unique? We work to find your individuality, what makes you funny and how to share this with an audience.  
Using our sensitivity we no longer need to pretend, to act, or put on a mask.


There is freedom in becoming good at being bad.


S E N D    I N    T H E    C L O W N S

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