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with Dr. Brown


Start the summer with living on a beautiful farm for two weeks, with amazing performers from all over the world and work with one of the best clown theater in the world! 

This year, we are dividing the workshop into two distinct phases.

Week 1 will focus on a clown workshop, where participants will work closely with Dr. Brown to explore their personal expression. This week is dedicated to technical training, play, improvisation, and developing stage presence.

Week 2 will then transition into a creative process, where participants will develop and refine acts for the site-specific performance, set against the beautiful surroundings of Skuterud Farm. This structure provides participants with the time and space to immerse themselves in clowning while challenging themselves through the process of creating original acts that can connect with the audience.

Workshop Description

This workshop will ideally help you find your freedom and ridiculousness on stage and connect more deeply with an audience. Please note – this workshop can be quite difficult at times. I (Dr. Brown/Philip Burgers) am there to point out when something you did on stage is NOT working. 

With the acceptance of failure, you can learn to be more open and vulnerable in front of a group of strangers. If you do not respond positively to admitting failure, this workshop may not be for you. When you are ready to LAUGH at your failure, the work can begin. Then you can practice making an audience piss themselves by showing them how stupid and ridiculous you (and only you) can be.

Suitable for actors, standup comedians, improvisers and public speakers. Minumum aged 18+.


Previous participants include multi-award winning comedians and actors, musicians, theatre technicians, an opera singer and a bus-driver! 



Food and accommodation
We serve three meals a day. 
Accommodation: A common dormitory. There are a few smaller cabins as well. For the ones who come abroad, we will provide bedsheets. If you are from Norway, bring your own sleepingbag. 


On the island, Nesodden, outside of Oslo, Norway´s Clown Camp is located between the forests of Nesodden on Skuterud Farm. There will be walks in the forest, bon-fires, BBQs, ariel silks, archery and ping pong!




25th of May - Participants arrive from 4pm.
26th of May - Workshop part 1 starts.
31th of May - Workshop part 1 finishes in the afternoon. Party in the evening
1st of June - Resting day with trip to the beach, horsebackriding, relaxing.
2nd of June - Workshop part 2 starts: Developing numbers and creating a show
7th of June - Public show day of the site specific show
8th of June - Depart after lunch.


Workshop comprises of 6+ hours of workshops per day.



Price of Workshop:

Original price: 21 500 NOK (approx €1820 EUR or £1515 GBP ).
5 EARLY BIRD SPACES: 18 000 NOK (approx €1530 EUR or £1270 GBP)

The price includes the whole workshop, accommodation, three meals and various activities like horsebackriding and paintball. 

Norway Clown Camp is funded by the Norwegian fund: Fund for Performing Artists.

NB: We are currently applying for more funding. If we get more, the price will be reduced en futer. We will get to know about this in February.

Registration form


For questions, please email


Norway Clown Camp was founded in 2017. Our previous workshop leaders

includes Aitor Basauri and Toby Park (Spymonkey), John Wright and Jango Edwards. Dr. Brown was also the workshop leader back in 2017 and 2024.

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