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John Wright
John Wright will be the workshop leader for Show Development.
Co-founder of Told by an Idiot. John is an internationally renowned teacher and director, teaching workshops all over the world and his book Why is that so funny? is a must buy for actors, directors, students and teachers. John was also a founding member of Trestle. His version of Dr. Faustus with IIIParty won the Peter Brook Award and Coal Theatre's Fragility of X won a spirit of the fringe award at the Edinburgh festival. He is currently working on a new book provisionally titled Acting Without The Bullshit.
Dr Brown (aka Phil Burgers)
Dr Brown will be the workshop leader for Clown.
The world-renowned king of cult clowning, Gaulier-trained Dr Brown (Philip Burgers) has sold-out seasons in six countries, and won every award there is. His unique brand of “inspired and transgressive silent clowning ★★★★” (The Age) has won him fans the world over Total Theatre Award, Edinburgh 2011 Sunday Times Best Newcomer 2010 Time Out Critic’s Choice Award 2010 & 2011
"A seriously incredible week. I've been on a few clown workshops but this was without a doubt the best." - Donal Coonan
Dain Alexandra Rubin
Morning Yoga and meditation classes led by Dain Alexandra Rubin. Dain is trained in Yoga and Acro-yoga
(300+ hours), Vinyasa and Thai massage.
Hjørdis Steinsvik
Seminars on 'Festivals, Funding and Applications'
by Hjørdis Steinsvik, who will give PR tricks and personal guidance on applications.

From 16th July to 23th of July 2017 will be the first Norway Clown Camp!
The retreat is split into two separate workshops running simultaneously, Clown Workshop and Show Development. We are proud to announce the Show Development workshop will be led by John Wright (writer of the book "Why is that so funny?" and co-founder and director of "Told by an Idiot")! The Clown workshop will be led by Dr. Brown aka Phil Burgers!
Norway Clown Camp is at Skuterud Farm, on an island just outside of Oslo. There will be Yoga and bonfires, seminars on help with producing your own shows and personal guidance on funding applications for festival and funding applications (during and after the Norway Clown Camp).​
Apart from 6 hours of workshops per day, both workshops includes:
- Shared accommodation and all meals with food sourced from the farm
- Morning Yoga sessions with Dain Alexandra Rubin (Yoga, Acro-yoga and Thai massage)
- Mid-week paintballing tournament (paintballs included)
- 3 seminars over the 8 days about Creating, funding and producing your own shows
- Individual guidance on applications you are writing
- Aerial silks
- Sauna
- Archery field
The clown workshop is 6500 NOK, £592 approx. For Clown the minimum age of the workshop is 18, this is due to the intensity of the course. There are no formal requirements but we recommend a dream to explore being bad and find your fool, your spirit and humanity. The Clown workshop is primarily for actors, improvisers and comedians, but is for anyone who wants to explore the unknown. To book please send an email to norwayclowncamp@gmail.com with name, age, experience with clown/theatre/comedy. Please note there is no audition or selection based on experience. ​
There is an option to receive individual guidance on applications for funding and festivals with feedback given during and after the 8-day workshop. If you are interested in this please say this in the email.​
Clown is a path that goes against everything we were taught at school. 'I have to be good', 'I can't make mistakes', 'I know what i am doing'. Clown is a way to be bad, to make mistakes and find freedom in the unknown. To have pleasure to be bad onstage. How are you unique? We work to find your individuality, what makes you funny and how to share this with an audience. Using our sensitivity we no longer need to pretend, to act, to put on a mask.
There is freedom in becoming good at being bad.
If you come to Clown Camp, leave behind expectations of being good. We are here to be bad, together!